I’m Back, Schools In, Evolution is Taught

First off for anyone reading this blog I haven’t posted for about a year. I had a personal issue that just shut me down. So I’ve moved on and plan to post regularly. So let’s get to it!

Here the kids have returned to school. For middle schoolers it’s going to be a challenging year if they have been brought up in church. Why? Because their science class is going to challenge them either directly or indirectly. Odds are that they will not be ready for this and start to wonder about their beliefs . The problem is they have not been taught to


This is where you can make a big difference but for this post I just want list 5 problems with animal evolution.

  1. Living Fossils – If everything evolved how is it that creatures thought be extinct aren’t. A prime example of this is a fish, thought to be extinct until it was caught by fishermen one day.
  2. Fossil Record 1 – Why is it that the fossils we find look like the animals of today? Wouldn’t they have evolved into something else?
  3. Fossil Record 2 – Why is that we don’t find fossils that are in between two animal types, you know, evolving…
  4. Function – How is it that animal characteristics that save an animals life could have adapted partially; all the “earlier versions” would have died. E.G. Giraffes have a mechanism that stops blood gushing into their head when they drink, how could you have an animal where this is only partially successful?
  5. Population – If man has been on the earth as long as evolution claims, the world would be terribly full of people. I’ll go into this more in another post.

So how can you use this information to talk to your child or grandchild? I suggest asking them what they are learning in science and when they start telling you about evolution you’ll be ready.

Say something like “Well you know evolution is only an idea, it isn’t a proven scientific fact even though some people might treat it that way.” Then you can start talking about some of the things above. Ask them to ask their teacher. Be sure they let you know what he/she said, ought to be interesting.

Let me know how it goes.

If you have a high schooler, you can have similar conversations but you may need some evidence to back your claim; something an evolutionist doesn’t apparently need.

Until next time, thanks for reading, God bless and be safe. Send me your comments and questions.

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